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MODI COR (E 8018-W2)


MODI COR (E 8018-W2)


  • Weathering steels like CORTEN A&B and equivalent grades.
  • Medium tensile corrosion-resistant structural
  • Welding of high tensile steels.

Technical Datasheet


MODI COR is a special basic type of electrode for welding low alloy, copper bearing corrosion resistant structural steels. The electrode operates equally well on DC (+) & AC (70). The weld metal displays excellent resistance to atmospheric corrosion, and Slag is easily detachable. Smooth and regular fusion gives a uniform bead shape. Welds are of radiography quality.

Current Conditions: AC (70 OCV) / DC (+)
Size (mm) 2.50 X 350 3.15 X 350/450 4.00 X 450 5.00 X 450
Current (Amps) 70 – 90 100 – 130 140 – 180 190 – 230

Welding Positions: F, H, V, OH